Thursday, March 25, 2010

Possible Break in 31 Year Old Arson Case

By Randy Koniowka

Number 110 Ontario Street is by most accounts just another empty lot in this old industrial city. However, 31 years ago, it was the scene of a horrific fire that claimed the life of 8 people. Among the dead were John Gratto Sr and his 7 children; Elenanor, 9; Evelyn, 8; Francis, 5; John Jr, 4; Edward, 2; and four month old twins, Patricia and Sarah. Only his wife, 29 year old Virginia survived.

Only several weeks after the incident, Virginia moved to Washington State and married an apple farmer in Okanogan. Authorities have since tried to determine if Virginia Gratto was responsible for the fire that claimed her family. Now, 31 years later, investigators may have a break.

According to KXLY in Spokane, authorities from New York have questioned the now Virginia Utigard regarding the events of June 2, 1978. Utigard was taken to the local sheriffs office where she was questioned for 7 hours. Utigard told KXLY that," I have nothing to hide because I didn't do it."

The fire, which is the deadliest in the history of the city, is still fresh in the memory for some on Van Schaick Island. "I remember that fire, it was horrible," recalls Darlene Koniowka of Bridge Avenue. "Everyone was talking about it, it was such a tragedy."

Authorities are providing no other details about the case. The fire was ruled an arson, and no arrests were ever made.

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